little doodle of zihark and my self insert/FEH summoner who i’ve been drawing since uhhh forever but forgot how to recently lol, since i want to do a Thing involving them but needed to practice. this summoner’s entire shtick is if you basically dropped /r/ncd into a FE world. 😀 yee it’s a fun dynamic.

joining in canon x oc week which made me get off my arse and actually nail down my avatar-stand in for tellius. 😛 turns out designing with the mindset of ‘can you tell the characters apart if they were in gloriously polygonal n64/gamecube graphics’ is a good philosophy.

do you know how much it still grinds my gears to admit FE13’s avatar design was actually … good…. despite how complex it is… [mutters in tellius] for as much as i draw her by default, figured i needed to learn the outfit at some point.

brain went just a little cuckoo feral the past 2? 3 days? id somehow remembered i wanted to do a fanservice book of this guy and uh iz happenin 😀 oh one more shitpost that i nearly coughed up a lung laughing at  

doodled this over the holidays~  if I had one piece of advice for younger artists: find your muse. find that thing you’d obsessively draw even if no one saw your work; where it’s almost not even a choice, it’s a calling. (doesn’t matter how embarrassing you think it is) platforms, trends, friends, audiences, and fandoms …