nagamas gift to rarepairsmut on twitter, enjoy! 😀 one of the ships was shura/corrin; i had been eying those two for a while so it was a delight to try my hand at them along with some added details ~ shura keeps appearing on my recent fates teams no matter what, he’s fun, heh.

special delivery to @lululeighsworld of their old man and FEH summoner, Leigh. 😉 needed something light to warm up with ~ hope you enjoy, and thank you again for all the wonderful comments and also the massive like spree i may have gone in a specific tag of yours 😀

drew Maurice for miscellanium in artcade 2023 ~ middle aged cat men are a genuine ball to draw, especially with him. private artcade mirror:

Here’s Satsuki (plus a blink-and-ya-miss-it-Taylor) for lukadian  ~~ Been wanting to draw her for a LONG time so I’m so glad that the stars aligned here. She’s got a fun story! Definitely one where you know there’s more than meets the eye re: potential role reversal, and I have a feeling that’d go regardless of …