little doodle of zihark and my self insert/FEH summoner who i’ve been drawing since uhhh forever but forgot how to recently lol, since i want to do a Thing involving them but needed to practice. this summoner’s entire shtick is if you basically dropped /r/ncd into a FE world. 😀 yee it’s a fun dynamic.

it’s a recent-ish? trend in fandom these days to celebrate character’s birthdays, i think. at least i don’t remember it as much back in the 00’s. that paired with the fact that Path of Radiance’s NA release was October 17, 2005, exactly eighteen years ago, and I kinda headcanon zihark as bit of a libra …

I’ve been using this one set of lineart as a very useful base for a bunch of painting tests the last week; here’s krita above, and heavypaint below. not sure if i like heavypaint yet … but there’s potential. dig how it forces me to use colors i never would otherwise.

was doodling some watercolors, and ended up unexpectedly pleased at this as a one-off. this one doesn’t exactly fit into the theme of KILLING EDGE (upcoming zihark doujinshi), so I had to abandon it as a WIP but figured you all may like seeing it all the same. 🙂