realizing with my eyes fixed i can draw traditional sketchbooks now …………… wat. game changer. (i honestly prefer digital more if only b/c scanning is a pain, but traditional is unarguably useful if you’re out and about and need a socially acceptable way of Not Talking when overstimulated.) anyway, have a 20 min mindless doodle …

ohhh my gooood this is gonna be another one of those ‘i can’t believe this shit is actually fun/easy’ level ups. (i’ve been uhhh researching how to paint anime backgrounds all day today.) the hardest part was fuckin’ with the brush engine to up the saturation/value when you’re naturally dribbly/speedy in one go to mirror …

hands became a lot more fun to doodle aimlessly when i learned to love our fleshy meatbags of endless variations. love age n’ wear on hands ~ + half study, half doodle of this mil/mercenary dude that had some epic facial hair going on.

you ever see a guy that has the most amazing ‘are you seeing this shit?’ face and have to draw it lol (this is one of the reasons i love mil meme hangouts lol.)

exploring this perspective hack(?) slash brain grounding exercise(?) of drawing a cube around a tricky perspective angle of whatever characters i want to draw. seems to be working so far, just needs finessin’. surprisingly effective! gets me out of the shape paralysis, makes me focus on proportion. chairs also make a GREAT warm-up with this.