one of the reasons why i think i janked my wrist so badly back in february is because i was trying out some new brushes at the same time i was inadvertently stressing it out with a few other factors (cold weather etc), and also wasn’t cognizant that the new flick-wrist gestures were putting an additional amount of stress on the tendons.

it’s why i talk a lot about the “thin line animator’s style” which is best exemplified with the “standard inker (91px)” below. can easily draw 2x if not 3x as long with because when i hold it i “barely” put any pressure down on the tablet.

i kind of want my lines a little thicker naturally (studying ryo-sumiyosho’s line quality lately), but also have that advantage of not pushing down on the pen. did a few tests today to see how close i can get with the other new brushes. same pressure, different sizes. 100% zoom.

micro and the dip pen have the best quality / don’t pixelate as much… need to do more studies with those specifically. here’s to tests!